Exam Success for Students

Hosted by
Amanda Lecaude

Broadcast has ended.

September 19th
7:00 pm AEST

Do you want to nail your exams and/or get the marks you want for a change?

Do you usually cram for exams at the last minute?

Do you ever get into an exam and free like you have forgotten what you need to know?

Do you want to know the most effective study and revision strategies for exams?

Do you want to learn the best way to prepare and be more confident?

If you answered 'YES' to any of the above, then this webinar is for you.

Studying and revising for exams is an important skill to learn. As a student you need to ensure you

equip yourself with the right tools, strategies and knowledge so you can succeed in your exams.

Learn and find the right solutions that will work best for you!

Here is What You'll Learn

The role organisation and time management play when it comes to exams

Understanding the Learning Cycle

What an exam plan is, why you should have one and how to create one

Effective study and revision techniques

Understanding instructions & command/keywrods and planning before responding

How to deal with exam stress and anxiety

Exam day preparation and strategies

Exam techniques - what to do in an exam

Dealing with exam results and the importance of seeking feedback


About Amanda Lecaude

Academic Life Coach/Executive Function Coach & Organising Expert

I am an outgoing, friendly and energetic person who enjoys life, organisation, travel and spending time with my family & friends. I am a parent of two teenage sons who I adore though time is going by too quickly and naturally they are growing up way too fast!

I feel very passionately about ensuring all children/students have the opportunity to thrive and succeed at both school and in life and to do that they need to be equipped with the right tools, strategies and skills.

As an Academic Life Coach, and also commonly referred to as an Executive Function Coach, Amanda, asks students questions to assess what they do and don’t know rather than jumping right in and solving the “problem”. Often they know more than they realise and its about building up their tool box with the right tips and strategies to suit them. The end goal is ensuring they can be in charge of their own learning and take control.

September 19th
7:00 pm AEST